Miscellaneous Functions
abort abort a program
asctime convert time into text
assert assert that an expression is true
atexit specify routine to call on exit
chkabort check for ^C
clock return system clock time
ctime convert time into text
exit exit from a program
_exit _exit from a program
expand_args expand command line (very useful!)
getenv get environment variable
GetHead get first element in EXEC list
GetPred get preceding element in EXEC list
GetSucc get succeeding element in EXEC list
GetTail get last element in EXEC list
localtime unpack time
LockAddr semaphore routine
LockAddrB semaphore routine
longjmp jump to a saved setjmp
main main program entry point
_main _main program entry point
onbreak Set ^C function
qsort sort an array
raise raise a signal
rega4 return contents of register A4 (different from geta4!)
setbuf select alternative stream buffering
setjmp prepare for future long jmp
signal establish event traps
sleep sleep for a while
stack_abort exit point for stack alloc failure
system call system command shell
time get current time
TryLockAddr semaphore routine
TryLockAddrB semaphore routine
UnLockAddr semaphore routine
UnLockAddrB semaphore routine
wbmain main program entry for WorkBench
DICE ARexx Functions
CreateDiceRexxPort Create an application ARexx port
CreateGobalDiceRexxPort Create a global ARexx port
DeleteDiceRexxPort Delete a DICE ARexx port
DoRexxCommand Parse an incomming ARexx command
GetDiceRexxPortSlot Determine an application ARexx slot
PlaceRexxCommand Send a command to ARexx
PlaceRexxCommandDirect Send an ARexx command to an application
ProcessRexxCommands Handle incomming ARexx commands